
The present work is grounded in the research field of Law and Literature, aiming to explore the boundaries between both subjects to enrich the legal discourse. The attempt is made to demonstrate, through the psychological interpretation of Clarice Lispector's short story "Os laços de família", how the complexity of family relationships is imminent and needs to be considered when attempting to resolve family and marital conflicts, especially in cases already undergoing legal proceedings. The characters Catarina, Severina, and Antônio play significant roles in this journey, revealing themselves in their essential rawness and uninhibitedly transmitting characteristics to future generations, unaware of the numerous challenges that arise along the way. It gets evident, then, that the very complexity of the relationships and transmissions among them is the factor that intensifies discussions brought to the Judiciary, leading to the hyper-judicialization of psychological conflicts and difficulties in resolving cases productively. In conclusion, it is essential to give voice to interdisciplinary mediation mechanisms (involving both judicial and extrajudicial hearings, parenting workshops, etc) as a means of effectively empowering family members and, consequently, reducing the number of cases reaching the Judiciary.

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