
Herewith we studied the pattern disposition of the cranial and caudal mesenteric arteries in 30 domestic ducks (Cairina moshata), 20 males and 10 females. Latex 650 was injected in the arterial system and then the samples were fixed in 10% aquous formol solution for later dissection. The cranial mesenteric artery originates as a single vessel from the descendent aorta at the 6th or 7th rib, in a position immediately caudal to the celiac artery. Close to the ileo-cecum-colic junction, it subdivides itself primarily in 3 branches: the first branch gives away a vessel that goes to the colorectum, forming anastomosys with the caudal mesenteric artery. The second branch follows as a trunk to the jejunal arteries, that vary in numbers from 8-20. Finally the third branch is directed to the main and final portions of the right cecum and also ileo, vascularizing them. Concerning the pattern followed by the caudal mesenteric artery, we observed that it originates from the aorta as a single vessel, next to the caudal portions of the kidneys. In all observed samples the caudal mesenteric artery divides itself in 2 branches: a cranial one, that by itself gives away two smaller vessels to the mesorectum and a caudal branch that vascularizes the final portion of the rectum, cloacal bursa and cloaca.

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