
JURISPRUDENCE AND DOCTRINE AS A SOURCE OF PRIVATE LAWIn Polish legal literature, it has long been pointed out that jurisprudence and doctrine have an impact on the formation of legal norms. In private law, the influence of jurisprudence and doctrine is particularly visible. Despite the unambiguous determination in art. 87 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, which is a source of law, and lack of case law and doctrine in this list, they play an important role in the creation of the norms of applicable law. In the private law doctrine, it is assumed that the norm of applied law is nothing else but a legal relation understood as a pattern of authorized and prescribed behavior for its parties. Such a relationship that arises from a legal event is shaped by elements derived from: ius cogens norms, parties agreement, ius dispositivi norms, non-legal norms to which the law or agreement of the parties refers, and ultimately by a court decision, within the limits specified in art. 322 k.p.c Code of Civil Procedure. The presented study is devoted to demonstrating what is the role of jurisprudence and the doctrine supporting it in the interpretation of the concepts used in the regulations and what are the relations between the legislator and the case law in this respect.

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