
Purpose: to identify the influence of body length and various sports on the indicators of vascular regulation of students.
 Material and methods. The study involved 42 students who play sports at the amateur level, 18 of them are track and field’s sportsmen (short and medium distance running), 12 are football players, 12 are wrestlers. The number of students with a body length of more than 190 cm was 12 people. The number of students whose body length was 150-175 cm was 30 people. There were no students with a body length of 176-189 cm in the study. Following research methods were used in the work: method of analysis of literature sources; method of determining body length; orthostatic test method; method of determining stroke volume and minute blood volume; methods of statistical data processing (comparison of averages by the Student's method, multivariate analysis of variance).
 Results. The results of a more significant impact of judo and football in comparison with running short and medium distances on the indicators of vascular regulation: the best indicators - in judo, the next place - in football, then – in track and field sportsmen. It was found that students with a body length of more than 190 cm have difficulty with vegetative-vascular regulation.
 Conclusions. To improve the adaptive capacity of vascular regulation to change the position of the body from horizontal to vertical, it is effective to use any exercise, but the most effective exercises that activate aerobic and anaerobic glycolytic energy systems. In addition, exercises that require frequent transitions from lying (sitting) to standing positions, as well as changes in the direction of movement are useful.

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