
AIM: The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of a structured physical therapy (PT) programme on the orthostatic reactivity in patients with diabetic neuropathy (DNP).MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was performed in 90 patients with DNP (34 male and 56 female, mean ages 60.8 ± 7.8 years) of lower extremities. The orthostatic autoregulation was evaluated using an active orthostatic test. The arterial blood pressure and the heart rate were determined after 10 minutes of rest in lying position before and after 1, 5 and 10 minutes of active standing.RESULTS: At the start of the study a normotonic orthostatic reactivity (NOR) was observed in 32 patients. Abnormal sympathicotonic type of orthostatic reactivity (SOR) was found in 18 patients and asympaticotonic type of orthostatic reactivity (AOR) was established in the remaining 40 patients. After the PT treatment a significant improvement of the orthostatic autoregulation in the groups with SOR and AOR was not found – NOR was observed in 66 patients with DNP (80.3%) at 6 weeks after the start of PT.CONCLUSION: The applied structured PT, later continued as a home exercise programme, significantly improved the orthostatic reactivity in patients with orthostatic dysregulation due to DNP.

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