
Sentinel-1 satellite uses active microwave sensor that has a better ability than the optical system in generate satellite image without clouds cover and can operate in day or night in all weather conditions. However, the side looking viewing geometry of SAR system and the object height variation or topography on the surface of the earth causing various distortions of geometry in the SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) image. It needed to be corrected through orthorectifiation process before the further implementation. This research aims to Orthorectifying the Sentinel-1 of SAR data in some regions of Southern Sulawesiusing Sentinel-1 Toolbox software and assessing the geometrical accuracy of orthorectification's results. Two orthorectify methods have been used, namely Range-Doppler Terrain Correction and SAR-Simulation Terrain Correction. Each SAR data orthorectify results (resampling to 30 m resolution) compared qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative by visual comparison between the results orthorectify. Quantitative by the calculation of the accuracy results orthorectify both methods on the GLS (Global Land Survey) 2000 Landsat image using 99 test points coordinate then calculated the RMSEr (Root Mean Square Error). The results showed that, there is no significant differences in visual geometry between the orthorectify results. Orthorectified SAR image in some parts of South-eastern Sulawesi from both method showed the same RMSEr value is 25.27 m which means the horizontal accuracy is less than one pixel.

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