
This research article is setting up an outlined-linguistic-overview regarding to the use of the “Tilde” in the writing context of Spanish Language. The study looked over various-literature-materials from different sources and added new-insights into its contextual framework to expose Spanish-language-Orthography such as Words-Type; Accents-Type; Vocabulary and Grammar-Patterns. The use of the “tilde” in teaching and learning Spanish as Second Foreign Language (ELE) continue to be a focus of concern and discussion among Spanish language teachers as well as the learners of this particular foreign language subject (FLs). Numerous studies have emphasized on the need to provide accuracy-learning-materials in relation to this orthography-linguistic-trait. Consequently to this observation, the study aimed to deliver valuable text-references through which Spanish language learners know about the application of the “Tilde” in the writing system of Spanish language. Furthermore, methodological schemes are provided to assist Spanish language teachers in formatting and delivering Spanish-language-assignments that fit into the subject-matter-discussed.

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