
This paper employs uniform color space to analyze relations in dichromacy (protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia). Fifty percent or less of dichromats represent the classical reduction form of trichromacy, where one of three cones is inoperative but normal trichromatic color mixture such as complementary colors (pairs that mix white) are accepted by the dichromat, whose data can thus be plotted to CIE chromaticity spaces. The remaining dichromats comprise many and varied more-complex gene arrays from mutations, recombinations, etc. Though perhaps a minority, the three reductionist types provide a simple standard, in genotype and phenotype, to which the more complex remainder may be compared. Here, previously published data on dichromacy are plotted and analyzed in CIELUV uniform color space to find spatial relations in terms of color appearance space (e.g., hue angle). Traditional residual (seen) hues for protanopia and deuteranopia (both red–green colorblindness) are yellow and blue, but analysis indicates the protanopic residual hues are more greenish yellow and reddish blue than in tradition. Results for three illuminants (D65, D50, B) imply four principles in the spatial structure of dichromacy: (1) complementarity of confusion hue pairs and of residual hue pairs; (2) orthogonality of confusion locus and residual hues locus at their intersection with the white point, in each dichromatic type; (3) orthogonality of protanopic and tritanopic confusion loci; and (4) inverse relations between protanopic and tritanopic systems generally, such that one's confusion hues are the other's residual hues. Two of the three dichromatic systems do not represent components of normal trichromatic vision as sometimes thought but are quite different. Wavelength shifts between illuminants demonstrate chromatic adaptation correlates exactly with that in trichromatic vision. In theory these results clarify relations in and between types of dichromacy. They also apply in Munsell and CIELAB color spaces but inexactly to the degree they employ inexact complementarity.


  • Normal color vision is trichromatic for 2-degree visual fields, requiring mixtures of three primary color stimuli to match all colors

  • Results for two illuminants D65 and D50 are summarized as follows: (1) Residual hue wavelengths for all three types of dichromacy were successfully predicted by an orthogonal locus to the confusion locus in uniform color space, indicating those residual hues expected from colorimetry, and unilateral dichromats; see Figures 6, 7, 9, 10

  • (2) The protanopic confusion locus was found to be orthogonal to the tritanopic confusion locus, and given (1) above, the protanopic system and the tritanopic system are reversed images of each other: One’s confusion hues are the other’s residual hues

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Normal color vision is trichromatic for 2-degree visual fields, requiring mixtures of three primary color stimuli to match all colors. Some 2.4% of humans (99.7% of them male) are dichromats who require mixtures of only two primary color stimuli to match all colors [1,2]. The most common forms are protanopia and deuteranopia (each some 1.2% of humans), known as redgreen blindness. Such dichromats see only two hues, blue and yellow. A third and very rare type of dichromacy is tritanopia (known as yellow-blue blindness). A lesser form of deficient vision, intermediate to normal trichromatic vision and dichromacy, is anomalous trichromacy (e.g., protoanomalous trichromacy); this form is not treated in this article

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