
This work proposes the use of deep learning architectures, and in particular Convolutional Autencoders (CAE’s), to incorporate an explicit component of orthogonality to the computation of local image descriptors. For this purpose we present a methodology based on the computation of dot products among the hidden outputs of the center-most layer of a convolutional autoencoder. This is, the dot product between the responses of the different kernels of the central layer (sections of a latent representation). We compare this dot product against an indicator of orthogonality, which in the presence of non-orthogonal hidden representations, back-propagates a gradient through the network, adjusting its parameters to produce new representations which will be closer to have orthogonality among them in future iterations. Our results show that the proposed methodology is suitable for the estimation of local image descriptors that are orthogonal to one another, which is often a desirable feature in many patter recognition tasks.

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