
In this and the following two lectures we carry out for the orthogonal Lie algebras what we have already done in the special linear and symplectic cases. As in those cases, we start by working out in general the structure of the orthogonal Lie algebras, describing the roots, root spaces, Weyl group, etc., and then go to work on low-dimensional examples. There is one new phenomenon here: as it turns out, all three of the Lie algebras we deal with in §18.2 are isomorphic to symplectic or special linear Lie algebras we have already analyzed (this will be true of \(\mathfrak{s}{{\mathfrak{o}}_{6}}\mathbb{C} \) as well, but of no other orthogonal Lie algebra). As in the previous cases, the analysis of the Lie algebras and their representation theory will be completely elementary. Algebraic geometry does intrude into the discussion, however: we have described the isomorphisms between the orthogonal Lie algebras discussed and special linear and symplectic ones in terms of projective geometry, since that is what seems to us most natural. This should not be a problem; there are many other ways of describing these isomorphisms, and readers who disagree with our choice can substitute their own.

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