
AbstractIn the light of common preconceptions regarding polarized approaches to atonement in Eastern and Western Christianity, this article mainly looks to John Chrysostom's readings of Romans 1–3 for clarity on the Pauline themes of justice, righteousness and justification, putting these alongside the exegesis of a representative Reformer, John Calvin. The ancient theologian of the East gives full attention to the apostle's picturesque metaphors for atonement, including a robust but balanced treatment Paul's forensic language; Calvin is clearly appreciative of the judicial language, but also places it within a larger context (though not identically to Chrysostom). Chrysostom's approach to atonement is showcased also in his neglected sermon on the Ascension of Christ, where forensic language jostles with pictures of reconciliation, sacrifice, mediation and Christus Victor. The article makes a plea that scholars from both East and West read such representative theologians (along with the New Testament itself) with care, not exaggerating their differences. It is noteworthy, for example, that both Chrysostom and Calvin depict salvation as anticipating far more than bare acquittal before God. Chrysostom in particular uses the language of righteousness and justification to speak of a hope for glory, or, to use the Eastern terminology, theōsis. Such sober and anti‐reactionary examination is essential in both academic and ecumenical discussion, and may also help in arbitrating between insights of the so‐called ‘Old’ and ‘New Perspectives’ in Paul.

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