
Introduction: The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) was proposedby Brook and Shaw, included an Aesthetic portion having ten levels and a Dental HealthComponent (D-IOTN) with five levels. The aim of present cross sectional research was to applythe D-IOTN in Pakistani subjects visiting Orthodontic centres of Faisalabad Medical Universityand de’Montmorency College of Dentistry. Study Design: Cross sectional study. Setting:Orthodontic centres, Faisalabad Medical University and de’Montmorency Dental College.Period: From 1.3.2017 to 1.10.2017. Materials & Methods: D-IOTN was applied to subjectsusing clinical intraoral evaluation method in which patients were evaluated on dental chair tograde various aspects of D-IOTN. The intraoral examination was done for missing teeth, cleftsof lip and maxilla, impeded tooth eruption and sagittal molar relationship. Vernier calliper wasused to measure the horizontal and vertical overlapping of incisors, transverse cross bite anddisplacement of incisal or posterior segments of arch. Findings were collected and recorded ona predesigned D-IOTN Performa. Results: Results showed that 68 % of the subjects neededdefinite orthodontic treatment, out of which 55% were females and 45% were males. Nosignificant gender difference was found for treatment need in any of the grade of D-IOTN.DIOTNanalysis revealed: 15% (Grade 5), 53% (Grade 4), 16% (Grade 3), 14=% (Grade 2) and2% (Grade1) results.16 % of the subjects were found to be in moderate need of treatment, whileonly2 % were found to be having no orthodontic treatment need. Conclusion: It was concludedthat a high number of cases were in need of the orthodontic therapy.

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