
In this article, a structural analysis was conducted on a total of 40 building models withvarying building height and wall dimensions in order to determine the optimum ratio of shear wall areato floor area in a reinforced concrete building. For this purpose, 20, 30 and 40 story buildings wereselected to investigate the effect of varying building heights on their structural behaviors. A parametricstudy on shear wall areas was conducted base on varying shear wall area to floor area ratios. Buildingmodels, therefore, included no wall and walls with 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2.0% area ratios applied incombined x and y directions. Each of these models was subjected to response spectrum analysis usingthe forces generated according to the 2018 dated Turkish Earthquake Code (TEC 18) and 2016 datedAmerican Building Code (ASCE 7-16). The buildings were assumed to be all office buildings located in asevere seismic zone region, Avcilar, Istanbul. The 30 and 40 story buildings due to their total heights hadto be considered tall in line with the requirements in TEC 18. The additional requirements were alsoincluded in the analysis to understand the impact of tall buildings on the optimum shear walldetermination. Therefore, the following parameters were investigated for the optimum shear wall areato floor area ratio: (a) building periods, (b) base shear and shear forces resisted by all shear walls, and (c)maximum lateral displacements and story drifts. The impact of effective wall layout configuration onstructural behavior was also investigated by studying the 2.0% wall area ratio. The results indicated thatthe most effective ratios of shear wall area to floor area for the 20 and 30 story buildings were equal to1.5% and 2.0%, respectively. However, the need for the wall area of the 40 story building was slightlymore than 2.0%. However, as the wall layout was revised for the building with the 2.0% wall area ratio,the requirement for the wall area was nearly met indicating that the 2.0% wall area ratio could also berecommended for the 40 story building.

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