
Sustainable economic growth is very important for sustainable welfare of society. In this context, it is vital to determine the factors affecting sustainable economic growth and to design economic policies for affecting sustainable economic growth. 
 Main aim of this study is to investigate the determinants of sustainable economic growth and to recommend economic policies and strategies for selected Central Asian Turkish Republics, namely, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan in order to achieve sustainable economic growth and development.
 The main result of the study is that the main source of economic growth of Turkish Republics depends on the natural resources, which is not enough for sustainable economic growth in the long run. For this reason, Turkish Republics should transform their economic structures from natural sources based economic growth into science-technology and innovation based and global competitiveness oriented economic growth path by designing economic policies for developing human capital, education, research and development, national industry strategy improving the business and investment environment for investors and eliminating structural and institutional problems.

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