
Oroxylin A (ORA), a natural compound found in plants, has emerged as a promising therapeutic agent against liver fibrosis, cancer, and inflammatory diseases. Chronic inflammation fuels cancer development and progression by promoting cellular transformation, survival, invasion, and metastasis, while cancer can create an inflammatory microenvironment, further enhancing its growth and invasiveness. Inflammasome activation also plays a crucial role in liver fibrosis which is characterized by the abnormal accumulation of extracellular matrix components in the liver. This review aims to explore the efficacy of ORA and its mechanisms of action in these disease contexts. ORA targets hepatic stellate cells, key players in the development of liver fibrosis. By modulating signaling pathways such as transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB), ORA effectively inhibits HSC activation and reduces the production of excessive extracellular matrix proteins. ORA exhibits a multitude of beneficial effects in cancer treatment. It demonstrates anti-proliferative, pro-apoptotic, anti-metastatic, and anti-angiogenic properties by interfering with various molecular pathways involved in cancer progression. ORA displays anti-inflammatory properties by suppressing the production of proinflammatory cytokines and influencing signaling pathways. This mechanism allows ORA to mitigate inflammation, a hallmark of many diseases, including inflammatory conditions. The therapeutic potential of ORA opens up new avenues for drug discovery and development. Ongoing research focuses on exploring new plant sources and novel compounds to expand the range of natural therapeutic candidates. Overall, this review highlights the comprehensive potential of ORA as a safe therapeutic agent. In the field of chronic diseases, ORA has demonstrated anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic, and anti-cancer potentials, making it an interesting compound for research

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