
There is accumulating evidence that articulatory/motor knowledge plays a role in phonetic processing, such as the recent finding that orofacial somatosensory inputs may influence phoneme categorization. We here show that somatosensory inputs also contribute at a higher level of the speech perception chain, that is, in the context of word segmentation and lexical decision. We carried out an auditory identification test using a set of French phrases consisting of a definite article “la” followed by a noun, which may be segmented differently according to the placement of accents within the phrase. Somatosensory stimulation was applied to the facial skin at various positions within the acoustic utterances corresponding to these phrases, which had been recorded with neutral accent, that is, with all syllables given similar emphasis. We found that lexical decisions reflecting word segmentation were significantly and systematically biased depending on the timing of somatosensory stimulation. This bias was not induced when somatosensory stimulation was applied to the skin other than on the face. These results provide evidence that the orofacial somatosensory system contributes to lexical perception in situations that would be disambiguated by different articulatory movements, and suggests that articulatory/motor knowledge might be involved in speech segmentation.

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