
Implementation of the principles of democracy, humanitarian priorities in the higher vocational education determines profound changes in the formation of artistic taste of contemporary young people. The problem of the formation of art taste and personality is complex, ambiguous and examined by representatives of different sciences. The artistic taste is the focus of aesthetic evaluation criteria of all spheres of human activities, it serves as a basis for establishing the invariant personality-the unique forms of the individuals behavior, thinking and creativity. This article examines the history, state and value of artistic taste in the formation of human personality in the historical and modern science, distinguishes between subjective and objective views on the conditions for the existence and formation of artistic taste, works out a definition of artistic taste at the present stage of society development. The variety of artistic tastes is explained by the unlimited richness of art objects themselves, as well as the constant development of reality and, above all, social reality by the emergence of new conditions of life, development of man and man-made objects. The question of the diversity of artistic tastes finds its solution, first of all, while considering the objectivity of their content; the variety of specific manifestations of beauty accounts for diverse taste preferences. Individual display of artistic taste is valuable in demonstrating the nuances of the qualities of the object and allows one to pass on to others the feeling one experienced. Thus, a foundation is laid for creative evaluating interaction, so the artistic taste serves as an effective means of aesthetic education of art students in the course of vocational training.


  • The artistic taste is the focus of aesthetic evaluation criteria of all spheres

  • it serves as a basis for establishing the invariant personality-the unique forms

  • The variety of artistic tastes is explained by the unlimited richness of art objects themselves

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ИСТОКИ ВОЗНИКНОВЕНИЯ ПОНЯТИЯ «ВКУС» КАК ОСНОВА ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОГО ВКУСА У СТУДЕНТОВ ТВОРЧЕСКИХ СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТЕЙ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ИХ ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ ПОДГОТОВКИ В Федеральном законе РФ «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» No 273-ФЗ, а также Законе Украины «Про высшее образование» No 1556-VII отмечено, что особое значение для студентов художественных специальностей приобретают вопросы совершенствования эстетического воспитания, формирования и развития эстетических чувств, художественных интересов, идеалов и вкусов в процессе профессиональной подготовки [1; 2].

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