
Small iontophoretic ejections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were made from recording-multibarrel micropipette assemblies in areas of the cat's suprageniculate nucleus (SGn) that contained visually responsive neurones. The sources of afferents of the SGn were determined by locating the labeled cell bodies of neurones that were presumed to send their axons to the area of the SGn containing the light-sensitive cells. The greatest concentration of labeled cell bodies was found in the granular insular cortex and the adjacent area of agranular insula. Most cells projecting to SGn from these areas were distributed in the middle and lower laminae. A second intensely labeled region was found in stratum opticum and stratum griseum intermediate of the superior colliculus. Other areas containing labeled cells that were distributed with intermediate density included the ventral thalamic nuclear complex (basal, medial, and lateral divisions), periaqueductal gray (PAG), zona incerta, and pretectal nuclei (posterior, medial, and anterior divisions). Sparsely labeled sites included the fields of Forel, substantia nigra (pars reticulata), peri-insular cortex, superior colliculus (profundum), lateral suprasylvian cortex (posterolateral lateral suprasylvian, PLLS and posteromedial lateral suprasylvian, PMLS), anterior ectosylvian cortex, thalamic reticular complex, nucleus of the optic tract, basal part of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, and the pontine reticular nucleus (oralis) and adjacent reticular formation. Together with previous electrophysiological and neuroanatomical studies, the findings suggest that the SGn provides an integrating link between limbic structures and certain modalities of sensory information.

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