
<h3>Chapter X.</h3><h3>Case 2.</h3> —Yellow fever, black vomit, death. John Sullivan entered Charity Hospital Oct. 8, 1873, about fourth day of disease, great congestion of capillaries of face, neck and extremities, jaundice, hiccough, nausea, pain in head especially in frontal region. Pulse 82, respiration 28, temperature of axilla 98.2. October 9, 8 A.M., pulse 72, respiration 28, temperature 97.1; black vomit. The liquid ejected in abundance is of low specific gravity and strong acid reaction and contains numerous dark specks and flakes resemblihg coffee grounds. Hands feel cold. Great congestion of peripheral capillaries. Jaundice; conjunctiva of eyes congested and yellow; tongue red at tip and edges. Gums very red with some oozing of blood. Patient says that he has pain everywhere. Urinary excretion suppressed. 8 P.M., pulse 80, respiration 30, temperature 99.2. Spits up black vomit all over the bed. October 10, 8 A.M., pulseless, respiration 40; temperature 92.2. Suppression

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