
Abstract As a continental country full of mysterious traditions, extremely inclusive and with periodic regime changes, China has experienced various phenomena of coexistence of “theism” and “atheism” after long-standing debates. Under the belief that “God exists” with his mystical experiences, Hong Xiuquan studied Eastern and Western religions and finally set off “the practice of Islam and Manichaeism in the external form of Christianity”. Combining “the oriental native culture of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, witchcraft and medicine with the confrontation between the Manchu and Han regimes”, the Taiping Rebellion was carried out, which was more cruel and vast than the American Civil War. Through comparative research on the similarities and differences between “his own and Western perceptions of his religious experience”, we grasp the causes and principles of his miraculous phenomena, such as his life, dreaming and preaching, from a new perspective on theology and life practice. It analyzes and re-examines the significance of religion in promoting the historical process of China, America and Eurasia and answers the questions of “whether Hong Xiuquan’s beliefs and miracles truly exist, and how to establish the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom through different religions” that have been neglected in the past. This research can also be used to judge the form of warfare in different cultural and religious contexts.

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