
The origin of NOx in the summertime troposphere over subarctic eastern Canada is investigated by photochemical modeling of aircraft and ground‐based measurements from the Arctic Boundary Layer Expedition (ABLE 3B). It is found that decomposition of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) can account for most of the NOx observed between the surface and 6.2 km altitude (aircraft ceiling). Forest fires represent the principal source of PAN in the region, implying the same origin for NOx. There is, however, evidence for an unidentified source of NOx in occasional air masses subsiding from the upper troposphere. Isoprene emissions from boreal forests maintain high NOx concentrations in the continental boundary layer over eastern Canada by scavenging OH and NO3, thus slowing down conversion of NOx to HNO3, both in the daytime and at night. This effect is partly compensated by the production of CH3CO3 radicals during isoprene oxidation, which slows down the decomposition of PAN subsiding from the free troposphere. The peroxy radical concentrations estimated from concurrent measurements of NO and NO2 concentrations during ABLE 3B are consistent with values computed from our photochemical model below 4 km, but model values are low at higher altitudes. The discrepancy may reflect either a missing radical source in the model or interferences in the NO2 measurement.


  • Introduction reservoior fNO in theremotetropospher[eSinghet al., 1986, 1990,1992,1994a].SincePAN is stableat thelow temperaturesNitrogenoxides(NOx= NO + NO2) controtlhetroposphericof theuppertropospheritem, ayprovidea vehiclefor thelongproductioonf O3andOH

  • R = 0.63 ii decompositioncould accountfor the NO,` below about4 km but not at higheraltitudes.They useda PAN decompositionrateconstant taken from Lurmann et al [1986] that is about 30% lower thanusedhere [Atkinsonet al., 1992]

  • PhotochemicaslteadystatebetweenNO andNO2 is establishedon a timescaleof a few minutes.The steadystaterelation is givenby are expectedwhenmeasuredmixingratiosof NO fall below 10 ppt and NO2 below 30 ppt, respectively.Thereforeit is not instructiveto comparemodelYRO2 with the impliedY-RO2at 3min averagingintervals.We reducetheuncertaintyin theimplied Y-RO2by averagingovera largenumberof intervals

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Butane Benzene Acetone

AirmasstypesaredefinedfollowingTalbotetal. [1994]as1,Regionablackgroun2d,;biomasbsurninginfluence3;, tropicaol utflow; and, stratospheriincfluenceT. hemeancharacteristiacrsecomputefdromaircrafot bservationfosrthe165,3-minintervalsusedin our photochemicmalodelingcalculationsV.olumemixingratiosarein partspertrillion(ppt)excepftor CO,O3in partsperbillion.Unlisted speciesweregenerallynearor belowtheirdetectionlimits;10pptpropene, ppttoluenea, nd pptfor>C4alkanes.Abbreviationasre n,numbeor f observationTs;, temperatureD;PT,dewpoint;PAN,peroxyacetynlitrate. The CBL modelusesasupperboundaryconditionsthemean The mechanismfor photochemicadl ecompositionof isoprenefolconcentrationosf 03, NO, NO2, andPAN measuredbetween2.5- lows Tuazonand Atkinson[1989, 1990a,b]. Crosssectionsfor andcarbonylscalculatedin the0-D modelunderbackgroundcon- photolysisof PAN andtheratefor PAN oxidationby OH arefrom ditions.Vertical profiles of HNO3, CO, and hydrocarbonsother recentmeasurement(sR. K. Talukdaret al.,manuscripitn preparathan isopreneare specifiedusingobservationsfrom the aircraft tion, 1994). 0.33cms duringthedayand0.03cms atnight(J.W.Munger fate aerosolwould be presentas solid (NH4)2SO,[Tang et al, et al, manuscripitn preparation 994). Conversionof N205 to HNO3 on solidaerosolsis negligiperoxideshave the samedepositionvelocityas. Photoandwith themiddayemissionrate adjustedto matchthe isoprene lysisratecoefficientsfor otherspeciesarecalculatedusinga sixconcentrationmseasuredin theCBL duringtheaircraftspiral.The stream radiative transfermodel for the clear sky, Rayleighresulting24-houraveragemissionfluxof isoprenies 6.1x10ø scatteringatmosphere[Loganet al., 1981] and are scaledby the moleculescm-2 s4. The photochemicaml odel includesHO,,-NO,,-hydrocarbonsatellitemeasurementast a resolutionof 1ø latitudeby 1ø longichemistryb, asedon recentcompilationosf kineticandproduct tude (total ozonemappingspectrometera)ndrangesfrom 290 to data[Atkinson,1990;Atkinsonet al., 1992; DeMore et al, 1992]. The photochemicaml odel includesHO,,-NO,,-hydrocarbonsatellitemeasurementast a resolutionof 1ø latitudeby 1ø longichemistryb, asedon recentcompilationosf kineticandproduct tude (total ozonemappingspectrometera)ndrangesfrom 290 to data[Atkinson,1990;Atkinsonet al., 1992; DeMore et al, 1992]. 360Dobsounnits.TheratioofJso,o_btainefdromEppleymeas-

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