
Recently, a new theory for superconductivity has been put forward, in which the persistent current generation is attributed to the emergent singularities of the electronic wave function that are created by the spin-twisting itinerant circular motion of electrons. The persistent current generated by this mechanism behaves in every respect like supercurrent in superconductors, yielding the flux quantum h/2e and the Josephson frequency 2eV/h, where h is Planck’s constant, −e is the electron charge, and V is the voltage across the Josephson junction. The mass generation of the U(1) gauge field (or the Meissner effect) in the new theory is due to the emergence of topological objects, ‘instantons’ generated by the single-valued requirement of the wave function in the presence of the emergent singularities.The current standard theory of superconductivity is based on the BCS theory, and explains the emergence of superconductivity as due to the global U(1) gauge symmetry breaking realized by the Cooper pair formation. The U(1) field mass generation is believed to be due to this global U(1) gauge symmetry breaking. However, the feasibility of this mechanism has been questioned since no known interaction can prepare the global U(1) symmetry broken state from the normal state. We argue here that the U(1) mass generation in the BCS superconductor can be attributed to the one by the instanton mentioned above if the Rashba spin-orbit interaction is added. Then, the occurrence of persistent current generation becomes due to the instanton formation, and the role of the Cooper pair formation is to stabilize the instanton by providing an energy gap for perturbative excitations. Upon forming the Cooper pair, the instanton is stabilized and persistent current generation becomes possible. Thus, the superconducting transition temperature coincides with the Cooper pair formation temperature.

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