
Seven pockets of variable dimensions of strata-bound sparry magnesite within the Middle Proterozoic Gangolihat Formation around Bauri in the Almora district, Kumaun, Lesser Himalaya, have been investigated petrographically and geochemically. The lenses and pockets of megacrystalline, bladed, occasionally stellate, magnesite aggregates invariably enclosed by stromatolitic or massive dolostones, often exhibit a concordant relationship with the latter. Besides the sharp contrast in crystal-linity of magnesite and dolostones and the patches of the latter in the former, relict features such as layers of chert, cryptocrystalline silica veins and stromatolitic structures are discernible in the magnesite. There is a gradual increase in MgO and FeO with a corresponding decrease in CaO, and a striking depletion in Sr from dolostone to magnesite but no noteworthy variation in other major or minor elements nor in insoluble contents. Both the dolostones and magnesites are characterised by the same range of oxygen isotope ratios. However, a marked enrichment of lighter carbon isotopes in magnesites is noted. Based on these observations, it is inferred that the magnesite around Bauri is a product of diagenetic magnesitisation of penecontemporaneous dolomite in a restricted biohermal tidal flat environment.

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