
Creatine kinase (CK) is a member of a family of phosphoryl transfer enzymes called phosphagen (guanidino) kinases which play a central role in cellular energy homeostasis. There are three CK isoform gene groups, each coding for proteins targeted to different intracellular compartments — cytoplasmic (CytCK), mitochondrial (MtCK) and flagellar (FlgCK). The former two CKs are either dimeric or octameric while FlgCKs are contiguous trimers consisting of three fused, complete CK domains. Conventional wisdom supports the view that CKs evolved from a cytoplasmic, monomeric ancestral protein closely related to a phosphagen kinase homologue, arginine kinase (AK). Recently, it has been shown that a demosponge (Phylum Porifera) expresses a true MtCK and two dimeric, protoflagellar CKs (protoflgCK) with great similarity to FlgCKs. To further probe the early evolution of CK, we have obtained additional sequences for Mt- and protoflgCKs from two more demosponges and from three hexactinellid (glass) sponges as well as an MtCK sequence from a basal metazoan cnidarian. Phylogenetic analyses using Maximum Likelihood (ML) of these new CK sequences with other CKs and phosphagen kinases yielded a consensus tree containing an assemblage of MtCKs and a supercluster consisting of protoflg-, Flg- and CytCKs. The MtCKs appear basal in the tree topology consistent with prior results. Within the protoflg-, Flg- and CytCK supercluster, the protoflgCKs appear to be allied to the domains of the FlgCKs, although the support is not robust. PCR amplification of genomic DNA and sequencing of the genes for Mt- and protoflgCK from the demosponge Suberites fuscus showed that the sponge MtCK shares four–five common intron:exon boundaries with invertebrate, protochordate and vertebrate MtCKs supporting a common ancestry and the extreme conservation of intron:exon organization in MtCK genes. The protoflgCK gene organization was highly divergent in relation to other CK genes but shares a common intron:exon boundary with domain 2 of the gene for the FlgCK from the tunicate Ciona intestinalis, providing support for the linkage of the protoflgCKs with the FlgCKs. Our results show that the two, major CK gene lineages are present in arguably the oldest, extant metazoan group, the hexactinellid sponges, indicating that these two genes are ancient and confirming prior work that the MtCK gene is likely basal and ancestral.

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