
I would like to propose a high temperature-high pressure theory concerning to the origin of petroleum. Organic substances contained in the bodies of plants and animals are said to be related to the origin of petroleum, and this is called organic theory. The existence of some optical active nitrogen compounds in a crude oil are resulted in the proposal of organic theory which relates to the low temperature formation of petroleum by the microbiotic actions.Recently, petroleum, especially normal paraffins, were found to be easily converted to proptein and amino acid according microbiotic method, so that the presence of optical active nitrogen compounds in crude oil seems to me to be the secondary products from petroleum.My high temperature-high pressure theory is bassed on the knowledge about high temperature behavior of hot carbon.The sublimation temperature of carbon is said to be 3, 800-4, 200°C, and when carbon was heated to higher temperature of about 5, 000-6, 000°C, it is completely converted to gaseous state, which is composed of C1-C6 in a dicarbene form. These carbon species would be possible to form normal C1-C6 paraffins by the reaction of hydrogen atom. I have tried to react carbon dioxide with cyclohexane in a high voltage silent electric discharge tube, and the product obtained were a mixture of Cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol and carbon monoxide. Next, carbon monoxide is subjected to silent electric discharge, and the product was carbon suboxide.So that carbon dioxide seems to convert to carbon monoxide and oxgen atom, and the final products were hot carbon and oxygen, as shown hereunder;CO2→CO+O2CO→C*+CO2C*+CO→: C*=C=OCO→0=C=C*=C=OIf this reaction is carried out in the presence of reducing metallic compounds such as silicium, the product must be hot carbon.As to the hydrogen source, I would like propose steam. Steam decomposes to hydrogen atoms and hydroxyl radical, and in the presence of reducing metallic compounds, the only product must be hydrogen.Thus I believe that carbon dioxide and steam would react to form hot carbon and hydrogen atom at high temperature and in the presence of metallic silicium.The hot carbon and hydrogen atom thus formed seem to convert to petroleum hydrocarbon by the rapid expansion from the high temperature-high pressure conditions to low temperature-low pressure one through a pin hole, being accompanied by the rapid lowering of temperature. The igneous rock would make a high temperature-high pressure petroleum production tank by the mutual approach in the molton state to form a big tank and after the soldification of molton rock, the tank surface would be then covered by water in the form of sea or lake.The above-mentioned pin hole may be localed at beneath of bottom of sea or lake in some depth.

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