
We derive first- and second-order piezoelectric coefficients for the zinc-blende III-V semiconductors, {Al,Ga,In}-{N,P,As,Sb}. The results are obtained within the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof hybrid-functional approach in the framework of density functional theory and the Berry-phase theory of electric polarization. To achieve a meaningful interpretation of the results, we build an intuitive phenomenological model based on the description of internal strain and the dynamics of the electronic charge centers. We discuss in detail first- and second-order internal strain effects, together with strain-induced changes in ionicity. This analysis reveals that the relatively large importance in the III-Vs of non-linear piezoelectric effects compared to the linear ones arises because of a delicate balance between the ionic polarization contribution due to internal strain relaxation effects, and the contribution due to the electronic charge redistribution induced by macroscopic and internal strain.

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