
Leucocratic granites of the Proterozoic Kaoko Belt, northern Namibia, now preserved as meta-granites, define a rock suite that is distinct from the surrounding granitoids based on their chemical and isotopic characteristics. Least evolved members of this ~1.5–1.6-Ga-old leucogranite suite can be distinguished from ordinary calc-alkaline granites that occur elsewhere in the Kaoko Belt by higher abundances of Zr, Y, and REE, more radiogenic initial εNd values and unradiogenic initial 87Sr/86Sr. The leucogranites have high calculated zircon saturation temperatures (mostly > 920°C for least fractionated samples), suggesting that they represent high-temperature melts originating from deep crustal levels. Isotope data (i.e., εNdi: +2.3 to –4.2) demonstrate that the granites formed from different sources and differentiated by a variety of processes including partial melting of mantle-derived meta-igneous rocks followed by crystal fractionation and interaction with older crustal material. Most fractionation-corrected Nd model ages (TDM) are between 1.7 and 1.8 Ga and only slightly older than the inferred intrusion age of ca. 1.6 Ga, indicating that the precursor rocks must have been dominated by juvenile material. Epsilon Hf values of zircon separated from two granite samples are positive (+11 and +13), and Hf model ages (1.5 and 1.6 Ga) are similar to the U–Pb zircon ages, again supporting the dominance of juvenile material. In contrast, the Hf model ages of the respective whole rock samples are 2.3 and 2.4 Ga, demonstrating the involvement of older material in the generation of the granites. The last major tectonothermal event in the Kaoko Belt in the Proterozoic occurred at ca. 2.0 Ga and led to reworking of mostly 2.6-Ga-old rocks. However, the presence of 1.6 Ga “post-collisional” granites reflects addition of some juvenile mantle-derived material after the last major tectonic event. The results suggest that similar A-type leucogranites are potentially more abundant in crustal terranes but are masked by AFC processes. In the case of the Kaoko Belt, it is suggested that this rock suite indicates a yet unidentified period of mantle-derived crustal growth in the Proterozoic of South Western Africa.

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