
Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene adakitic andesites are found in the southern part of Okushiri Island, the northern Noto Peninsula and in the Toyama region in the present-day back-arc margin of the SW and NE Japan arcs. On Okushiri Island, adakitic andesite is accompanied by moderately alkaline basalt, whereas on the Noto Peninsula, adakitic andesite has been erupted along with high magnesian andesite (HMA), bronzite andesite and tholeiitic basalt. Adakitic andesites from all three locations are characterized by high Sr/Y and low Y, and have higher MgO contents than adakitic melts generated by experimental melting of metabasalt and amphibolite. They also have higher Ni and Cr contents than either Archaean tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) suites or Early Cretaceous adakitic granites, which have been attributed to partial melting of subducted oceanic crust. The Noto Peninsula adakitic andesite has Sr and Nd isotopic compositions identical to normal mid-ocean ridge basalt (N-MORB), whereas the Okushiri Island and Toyama adakitic andesites are more isotopically primitive than N-MORB. The Noto Peninsula primary adakitic melt was derived from subducted oceanic N-MORB crust, whereas the Okushiri Island and Toyama primary adakites are interpreted as melts of subducted N-MORB and sediment that have subsequently interacted with the overlying mantle wedge peridotite. To explain the comagmatism of adakite, HMA and basalt, the following model is proposed. A hydrated adakitic diapir ascends from the subducting slab and is heated because it enters the overlying hot mantle wedge. The subsequent establishment of thermal and H2O gradients in the adakitic diapir and surrounding mantle wedge peridotite results in concurrent generation of adakitic andesite magma in the inner adakitic diapir region (low temperature and high H2O content), HMA and bronzite andesite magmas in the intermediate peridotite region (intermediate temperature and H2O content), and tholeiitic basalt magma in the outer peridotite region (high temperature and lower H2O content). Comagmatic adakite and mildly alkaline basalt are found in cooler and wetter adakitic diapirs and hotter and drier peridotite regions respectively. The most likely tectono-magmatic situation for the genesis of adakitic magmas in this example of a cool subduction zone involves upwelling of hot asthenosphere into the subcontinental lithosphere beneath the back-arc side of the NE Japan arc and northern end of the SW Japan arc, during the period spanning the pre-Japan Sea opening to syn-opening stages. The unusually high temperature conditions established in the mantle wedge owing to upwelling of hot asthenosphere caused partial melting of the relatively cool subducting Pacific plate, resulting in the generation of adakitic magmas.

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