
Genetic variation of Japanese rice cultivars were examined. Five of 450 lowland cultivars and another five of 200 upland cultivars were determined as the indica type by using isozyme genotypes and the remainder were of the japonica type. The major characteristics of these indica cultivars, revealed a slender shape of grains, a short apiculus hair length, a positive allele for Ph reaction, and allele-3 for the Pgd1 locus. Three of these indica cultivars showed a non-deletion ORF100, which is essential to the japonica-type plastid. The plastid subtype identity (PS-ID) sequences of these plastids is 6C7A, which is also a japonica-specific repeat unit. Thus, these cultivars were concluded to be naturally generated cytoplasm substituted lines. These plastids were introduced into a indica genetic background from japonica cultivars grown elsewhere. The rest of the indica cultivars revealed a deletion-type ORF100 and plastid subtype 8C8A, both of which are indica-specific. These cultivars carried indica-type allelic constitutions for diagnostic isozyme loci. However, other characters were identical to the cytoplasm-substituted cultivars in Japan. In East and Southeast Asia, cultivars carrying a indica-type nuclear genotype with a japonica-type plastid are restricted to Aus cultivars in the Bengal region. Genetic and historical records suggest that Japanese indica cultivars and the Aus cultivars are closely related. The Aus cultivars acquire necessary genetic constitutions from both indica and japonica cultivars through naturally occurring out-crossing to adapt to a particular cultivation condition in the region. The wide adaptability enabled them to be introduced into a northern region like Japan.

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