
ABSTRACT The presence of live 60Fe nuclei (lifetime of 3.8 Myr) in cosmic rays detected by the Advanced Composition Explorer/Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer instrument suggests a nearby nucleosynthesis source. 60Fe is primarily produced in core-collapse supernovae, and we aim to clarify whether the detected 60Fe nuclei can be associated with a particular local supernova. We consider 25 OB associations and subgroups located within 1 kpc of the Solar system based on recent Gaia census. A model is developed that combines stellar population synthesis within these OB associations, cosmic ray acceleration within associated superbubbles, and cosmic ray transport to the Solar system. The most critical model parameter impacting 60Fe cosmic ray production is the explodability criterion, which determines if a massive star ends its life as a supernova. Our study points to the Scorpius–Centaurus (Sco–Cen) OB association as the most probable origin of the observed 60Fe nuclei, particularly suggesting they were accelerated in the Sco–Cen superbubble by a young supernova aged ≤500 kyr with a progenitor mass of approximately 13–20 M⊙. A less likely source is the supernova at the origin of the Geminga pulsar 342 kyr ago, if the progenitor originated in the Orion OB1 association. The contribution of local OB associations to the cosmic ray density of stable 56Fe is estimated to be around 20 per cent, with some sensitivity to cosmic ray acceleration efficiency and diffusion coefficient. These findings shed light on the origins of cosmic ray nuclei, connecting them to nucleosynthesis events within our local cosmic neighbourhood.

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