
To better understand the aqueous chemical reactivity of clay mineral edges we explored the relationships between hydration and the structure of (010)-type edges of pyrophyllite. In particular, we used density functional theory and the quantum theory of atoms in molecules to evaluate the stability of 6-fold coordinated hydrated aluminum at the edge in terms of the electron density distribution. Geometrical optimization revealed an intra-edge hydrogen bond network between aluminol hydroxyls and water ligands completing the aluminum coordination shell. From the electron density isosurfaces one water ligand is not covalently bonded to aluminum. Bader charge analysis revealed that OH2 ligands have small negative charge. In addition, it is also found that the charge of the 6-fold coordinated aluminum is larger than one of the 5-fold aluminum. From these results, the charging of the OH2 ligands is interpreted as charge transfer originated from the formation of the hydrogen bond network and not from Al-OH2 interaction per se. This suggests that the weakly bound water ligand in question, and more generally 6-fold hydrated edge Al coordination, is stabilized primarily by the hydrogen bond network which in turn leads to weak ionic attraction to the aluminum center itself. The finding highlights the importance of cooperative effects between solvent structure and the coordination of metal cations exposed at clay mineral edges.


  • Clay minerals are efficient sorbents of cations in soil, and the clay mineral surface plays a crucial role in this process

  • In the edge system with the 6-fold aluminum, we find that most of the hydrogen atoms in the hydroxyls at the edge are directed to the oxygen atoms

  • We confirm the existence of the hydrogen bond network and show it is the origin of the stability of the OH2 ligands in the edge systems with the 6-fold aluminum

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Clay minerals are efficient sorbents of cations in soil, and the clay mineral surface plays a crucial role in this process. The strength and selectivity of the interaction of certain cations with clay minerals can be so dominant as to entirely define the residence of that species in complex soils or sediments. The sorption of radioactive cesium from aqueous solution to clay minerals typically governs its fate and transport, a situation relevant to the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident where radioactive cesium-134 and -137 were released aerially into the environment from the disabled power plant. A part fell out on the Pacific Ocean and the rest deposited on the surrounding Japanese land surface. In this and in several prior examples of accidental release the selective interaction of radiocesium with clay mineral surfaces emerges as of key component of its environmental fate and transport. A great deal of fundamental insight has been gained to date on its sorption behavior with a variety of clay and micaceous minerals.[1,2,3]

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