
In the Villany Mts of southern Hungary, ocelli-bearing porphyritic lamprophyre dykes and sills of Upper Cretaceous age occur sporadically, intruding Mesozoic carbonate rocks. They at places contain metasomatised mantle xenoliths and quartz xenocrysts of crustal origin. They are moderately fractionated with significant LILE and LREE enrichments and a notable Nb–Ta negative anomaly. Trace elements indicate that they formed in an intraplate environment by very low degree partial melting of a metasomatised garnet lherzolite mantle source that was enriched by earlier subduction. Based on petrography, geochemistry and age constraints, they differ from other Mesozoic basic rocks of the Tisza block (Mecsek Mts and Slavonian basalts); however, they show a significant geochemical similarity to the Upper Cretaceous lamprophyre dyke swarm from NE Transdanubia (northwestern Hungary) situated on the Alcapa microplate. Thus we suggest that lamprophyres from the Villany Mts and NE Transdanubia could have originated from the same or similar enriched asthenospheric mantle sources.

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