
Abstract The chemical and isotopic characterization of formation water from 18 oil production wells, extracted from 5200 to 6100 m b.s.l. at the Jujo–Tecominoacan carbonate reservoir in SE-Mexico, and interpretations of historical production records, were undertaken to determine the origin and hydraulic behavior of deep groundwater systems. The infiltration of surface water during Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene time is suggested by 14C-concentrations from 2.15 to 31.86 pmC, and by 87Sr/86Sr-ratios for high-salinity formation water (0.70923–0.70927) that are close to the composition of Holocene to modern seawater. Prior to infiltration, the super-evaporation of seawater reached maximum TDS concentrations of 385 g/L, with lowest δ18O values characterizing the most hypersaline samples. Minor deviations of formation water and dolomite host rocks from modern and Jurassic 87Sr/86Sr-seawater composition, respectively, suggest ongoing water–rock interaction, and partial isotopic equilibration between both phases. The abundance of 14C in all sampled formation water, 87Sr/86Sr-ratios for high-salinity water close to Holocene – present seawater composition, a water salinity distribution that is independent of historic water-cut, and a total water extraction volume of 2.037 MMm3 (1/83–4/07) excludes a connate, oil-leg origin for the produced water of the Jurassic–Cretaceous mudstone-dolomite sequence. Temporal fluctuations of water chemistry in production intervals, the accelerated migration of water fronts from the reservoir flanks, and isotopic mixing trends between sampled wells confirms the existence of free aquifer water below oil horizons. Vertical and lateral hydraulic mobility has probably been accelerated by petroleum extraction. The combination of interpreting historical fluctuations of salinity and water percentage in production wells with chemical-isotopic analysis of formation water resulted in a successful method to distinguish four groundwater bodies, stratified vertically within the Jujo–Tecominoacan reservoir. Two with low TDS from 10 to 23 g/L are preserved in the upper reservoir section, mainly in Lower Cretaceous and Kimmeridgian strata. For the deeper part of the reservoir, 87Sr/86Sr trends indicate an affiliation of most samples to two independent mixing trends between “intermediate saline” (TDS ∼200 g/L) and hypersaline (>350 g/L) groundwater end-members.

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