
Porewater extractions and acid leachates of rock core from a 250 m thick sequence of low-permeability Ordovician-age shales and limestones, on the eastern flank of the Michigan Basin, were analysed for strontium isotope ratios in an attempt to infer porewater ages from observed 87Sr/86Sr enrichments. The porewaters originated as Ordovician seawater, which subsequently mixed with evaporated Silurian seawater infiltrating from above, and, to some extent, with a deep brine—with an enriched 87Sr/86Sr signature—from the underlying crystalline shield or deep basin. The porewater 87Sr/86Sr ratios are more radiogenic than contemporaneous seawater but show no obvious correlation to those leached from the solid rock phases. Accepting that the initial 87Sr/86Sr signatures in porewaters were dominated by Late Silurian brine, potentially with an additional deep brine component, the excess of radiogenic 87Sr appears to represent ingrowth from 87Rb decay over a time span of some 420 million years, approaching the depositional age of the rocks. Similarly, Rb/Sr errochron ages of acid leachates of solid phases, and the calculated initial 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios, are consistent with a proposition that the calcites inherited their Sr from Ordovician seawater and were dolomitized shortly afterwards by infiltrating Mg-enriched evaporative brine, indicating long-term conservative behaviour for the enclosing carbonate rocks. The errochron for leachates from (alumino)silicates yields a high initial 87Sr/86Sr, but with an errochron age of about 340 ± 48 Ma, likely owing to variable admixtures of diagenetic illite in the shales. Overall, the data provide evidence for a stable hydrologic regime since Paleozoic time.

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