
We consider the problem of edge orientation, whose goal is to orient the edges of an undirected dynamic graph with \(n\) vertices such that vertex out-degrees are bounded, typically by a function of the graph’s arboricity. Our main result is to show that an \(O(\beta \alpha )\)-orientation can be maintained in \(O(\frac{\lg (n/(\beta \alpha ))}{\beta })\) amortized edge insertion time and \(O(\beta \alpha )\) worst-case edge deletion time, for any \(\beta \ge 1\), where \(\alpha \) is the maximum arboricity of the graph during update. This is achieved by performing a new analysis of the algorithm of Brodal and Fagerberg [2]. Not only can it be shown that these bounds are comparable to the analysis in Brodal and Fagerberg [2] and that in Kowalik [7] by setting appropriate values of \(\beta \), it also presents tradeoffs that can not be proved in previous work. Its main application is an approach that maintains a maximal matching of a graph in \(O(\alpha + \sqrt{\alpha \lg n})\) amortized update time, which is currently the best result for graphs with low arboricity regarding this fundamental problem in graph algorithms. When \(\alpha \) is a constant which is the case with planar graphs, for instance, our work shows that a maximal matching can be maintained in \(O(\sqrt{\lg n})\) amortized time, while previously the best approach required \(O(\lg n / \lg \lg n)\) amortized time [13]. We further design an alternative solution with worst-case time bounds for edge orientation, and applied it to achieve new results on maximal matchings and adjacency queries.

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