
Laves-phase intermetallics are of potential use as high-temperature structural materials. NbCr2-based C15-structured alloys are of particular interest for such applications. by themselves, Laves phases generally have poor ductility and fracture toughness at low temperatures. Two phase alloys (i.e., Laves phase and the ductile bcc phase) are considered more promising for structural applications. The orientation relationships between the two phases can contribute to the mechanical behavior of the material. In this study, observations of two different orientation relationships in a Nb-NbCr2 eutectic are discussed and compared with previous studies of the NbCr2 system, as well as the TiCr2 system.A Nb-NbCr2 eutectic alloy was prepared by arc-melting high-purity alloys followed by annealing at 1400°C for 100 h and then cooling at l°C/min. The complete details of the materials preparation have been given elsewhere. Specimens were prepared for observation in the transmission electron microscope (TEM) by cutting 3 mm discs with a coring saw, followed by dimpling and ion milling. Microstructural characterization was performed with a Philips CM30 TEM operating at 300 kV.

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