
Two new cases of the Juxta-articular Nodosities of Lutz-Jeanselme are presented. In the first case, published in 1923 the Wassermann reaction was positive, there was nodular fibrosis but no necrosis was seen and the lesions disappeared under the antisyphilitic treatment (Bismuth). In the second case the Wassermann reaction was twice negative, there was nodular fibrosis with necrosis and cystic formation but without epithelial lining; there was also a small, concomittant, dermoid tumor. In the third case the Wassermann reaction was positive, the fibrosis was nodular with necrosis identical to that of the second case, but without cystic formation. We layed stress on the necessity to adopt the Lutz-Jeanselme anatomo-pathological conception of the disease in order to exclude other morbid conditions which might occur in the neighbourhood of the joints, either alone or concomittantly as happened in our second case. Based on such criteria we can say that the Juxta-articular Nodosities of Lutz-Jeanselme type are of infectious origin and very likely of luetic nature.

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