
Abstract : In contrast the chemistry of the organometallic derivatives of the main-group elements has focused on the properties and reactions of compounds with the metals in their highest oxidation states. Consequently, the literature contains very few examples of well-defined, kinetically stable, low oxidation state organometallic compounds or of reactions in which the main-group metal in an organometallic derivative changes oxidation state. The compounds, In(C5H5) and T1(C5H5), are the only examples of low oxidation state Group III organometallic derivatives. Both of these compounds exist in the solid state as linear polymers with the cyclopentadienyl ring exhibiting pentahapto coordination. In Group IV chemistry, the unique low oxidation state compounds M sub IV(CH(SiMe3)2)2 (M sub IV equal Ge, Sn, Pb) have been prepared and thoroughly characterized. An X-ray structural study of the tin compound confirms a dimeric structure which has an apparent bent tin-tin double bond using the available electron pair and vacant orbital on each tin(II) atom.

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