
Olive oil is a vegetable oil obtained from the fruits of the European olive (Olea europaea L.). In terms of fatty acid composition, it is a mixture of triglycerides of fatty acids with a very high content of oleic acid esters. It has a color from brownish-yellow to greenish-yellow and has a slight bitterness aftertaste. The beneficial properties of olive oil determined by the content of oleic acid, which ensures low oxidizability of the product and helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels. The quality of the oil and its compliance with GOST requirements are important. The purpose of this report is to study the organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics of olive oil from different manufacturers, including that obtained by the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, their compliance with the approved norms of Russian and European standards and requirements, regulations, as well as determining the class produced oil. The work uses generally accepted methods of organoleptic, physicochemical, and other research. The analysis of existing systems of olive oil classification is given. The chemical indicators of the composition of olive oils from NBG and leading manufacturers on the Russian market are presented. The issues of the organoleptic assessment of the oil and its physical and chemical indicators are highlighted, the composition of fatty acids of olive oil obtained in the conditions of the Southern Coast of the Crimea is analyzed and its comparative analysis with olive oil from other manufacturers, as well as the norms of compliance with stand ards, codes and technical regulations. It has been proven that the NBG’s oil, due to the natural and climatic conditions of olive growth, is of high quality and meets the required Extra Virgin oil standards.


  • Ch aracter is ticПо методу производства (CODEX STAN 33-1981, 2015) / According to the method of production

  • Ключевые слова: оливковое масло ; Extra Virgin ; экспер ти за ка чества; б езопасно сть, органолеп ти ческий а нали з; фи зико -хи ми ческие пара метры; перекисное число; кислотное число

  • Radi onucli des, pesticides, Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in oli ve oil obtained in the condi tions of the Southern Coast of the Cri mea Наимен ов ание показ ате лей

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Ch aracter is tic

По методу производства (CODEX STAN 33-1981, 2015) / According to the method of production. Нерафинированное масло первого прессования (отжима) с кисло тным числом не более 1,6 высшего качества миллиграмм гидроокиси калия на грамм или кислотностью, составляю щей не (Extra virg in olive oil) более 0,8 грамма на 100 грамм в пересчете на олеиновую кисло ту, перекисным числом не более 20 мэкв/кг. Предметом исследования является анализ органолептических, физикохимических показателей и состава жирных кислот оливкового масла, соответствие его качества требованиям ТР ТС 005/2011, ТР ТС 022/2011, ТР ТС 024/2011, CODEX STAN 33-1981, ГОСТ РФ и другим нормативным документам. Результаты и обсуждения С целью определения качества оливкового масла, полученного в условиях ЮБК, был проведен сравнительный анализ его органолептических, физико-химических показателей и жирокислотный состав, а также сравнение с аналогами других торговых марок и соответствие международным и государственным стандартам.

Результаты для масла оливкового нерафинированного Extra Virgin
Italy for olive oil
Name of indicators
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