
As proposed our Latin American Society for Forensic Genetics in June 17th, 2003, last year the Argentinean Minister of Justice, Security and Human Rights signed the Resolution #415/2004 (full text available in Spanish in www.slagf.org), which created the DNA Fingerprint Registry, similar to the American CODIS. The Registry blends computer and DNA technologies into an effective tool for fighting violent crime. The system uses two indexes to generate investigative leads in crimes where biological evidence is recovered from the crime scene. The Convicted Offender index contains DNA profiles of individuals convicted of felony sex offenses (and other violent crimes). The Forensic index contains DNA profiles developed from crime scene evidence. The Registry utilizes computer software to automatically search these indexes for matching DNA profiles. Like the American CODIS, this is a system of pointers; the database only contains information necessary for making matches. Profiles stored contain a specimen identifier, the sponsoring laboratory's identifier, the initials (or name) of DNA personnel associated with the analysis, and the actual DNA characteristics. Matches made among profiles in the Forensic Index can link crime scenes together; possibly identifying serial offenders. Based on a match, police can coordinate separate investigations, and share leads developed independently. Matches made between the Forensic and Convicted Offender indexes ultimately provide investigators with the identity of the suspect(s). Following are the major enhancements planned for the next years: There are differences among province laws, so the first step is to make them compatible.•Optimize software performance for Local, Province and National Indexes.•Select the labs with high-quality standards. Quality controls in Latin America are conducted by the Latin American Society for Forensic Genetics and the Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Group of the ISFG.•Training courses to DNA analysts from participating laboratories. Until now, the training courses in Latin America are organized by the Latin American Society for Forensic Genetics.•Begin operation of the National DNA Index System.•Proliferate the installed base to include all crime laboratories performing DNA analysis.

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