
The approaches of scientists towards determination of conditions and factors of professional self-development of personality were analyzed in the article. Internal and external obstacles of objective and subjective nature for self-development of personality were descripted. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of forming of readiness of future pedagoges for continuous professional self-development were determined. The necessity of forming of motivation for professional self-development of future pedagoges in educational sphere of universities was reasoned.In the context of modernization of higher education, one of the factors in providing the state competitiveness on the global level is to improve specialists’ preparation quality, in particular, to form prospective teachers’ motivation to continuous professional education and professional self-development. Self-development of personality of prospective teacher is urgent to the modern educational process.Self-development – is mental or physical man’s development which he achieves by own unaided study, exercises. Self-development is carried out by own forces, without the influence or assistance of any external forces. Self-development is considered as person’s comprehension of individual qualities and their enrichment through inclusion in appropriate activities, including educational one.Analysis of contemporary psychological and educational research confirmed that in the scientific psychological and pedagogical literature the term «teacher’s self-development» has no clear consistent definition due to different methodological approaches to its consideration.

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