
A distinctive feature of modern geopolitics is not a direct intervention in the internal affairs of another state, but a consistent, latent influence on its weakest aspects of life, with a gradual increase in pressure, which leads to destabilization of the situation. Through the use of "managed chaos" and "soft power" strategies, the organizers achieve significant success with minimal cost of resources and resources and provide an external illusion of non-involvement in the ensuing chaos. The paper deals with the aspects of the use of organizational weapons (OW) and "colored revolutions" to overthrow governments of the world and to form power in them, controlled by the aggressor. It was emphasized that the organizational weapons are based on special organizational management reflection technologies. They are an ordered set of methods (models, programs, strategies, procedures, forms) for the implementation of constantly improving management decisions. The constituent parts of OW are: organizational information weapons, organizational financial, organizational, administrative, organizational, organizational, educational, organizational and other types of weapons. The mechanisms of "color revolutions" — a new type of political technology for changing political power are analyzed. Most often, this is a series of mass street protests of the population, which ends with the overthrow of the political regime, such as in a number of countries of Eastern Europe, the post-Soviet space, Southeast Asia, North Africa, without military participation. The strategies of "indirect action" and "soft power", which serve as important tools for the destruction of statehood and reformatting of geopolitical spaces, are considered. Today these are the most effective means of geopolitical struggle in the international arena, which is actively used by the establishment of Western powers to destroy or weaken real and potential adversaries.

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