
Purpose: This paper attempts to highlight the significant role of Organizational Learning (OL) in improving Organizational Excellence (OE). OL is widely acknowledged as a critical factor for OE at the Telecommunications sector in Egypt. Research Design/Methodology: To assess positive OL (OL questionnaire American Society for Training and Development, 2002) and OE (OE survey Kandula, 2002; Hesseblin & Gohanston, 2002) are used. The data of the study was collected from 315 employees at the Telecommunications sector in Egypt. Out of the 290 questionnaires that were distributed to employees at the Telecommunications sector in Egypt, 260 usable questionnaires were returned, a response rate of 89%. Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to confirm the research hypotheses. Findings: There is a statistically significant relationship between the dimensions of OL (the dynamics of learning, conversion of the organization, employee empowerment, knowledge management, and the application of technology) and OE at the Telecommunications sector in Egypt. Practical implications: This research contributes to the need for organizations to practice OL in order to be able to meet contemporary intense competition, as this trend is to play an important role in enhancing OE. The study suggests that the Telecommunications sector in Egypt can increase OE by influencing its OL. The study provided that it is necessary to pay more attention to the dimensions of OL as a key source for organizations to enhance the competitive advantage which is of prime significance for OE. Originality/value: The study observes that there is a critical shortage in OL and that a greater understanding of the factors that influence the OE is of great importance. Therefore, this study is to examine the relationship between OL and OE. This research dealt with OL in terms of its concept and dimensions, in addition to dealing with the role of OL in promoting OE. Accordingly, the study provided a set of recommendations including the necessity to pay more attention to OL as a key source for OE at the Telecommunications sector in Egypt.

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