
In this 21st century, the advent of globalization forced most organizations to compete for material inputs, partners, customers and market share, but without a prior knowledge and application of strategically laid path and the establishment of critical factors that justify success in these areas the survival and relevance of such organization is threatened. Today, observations from the general public and reports from media have it that every day, highly reputable organizations swim in huge debts to banks and co-players. The economic pressures, challenges and market competition have sent some organizations packing out of the market scene and probably get them reduced to almost nothing. In light of the above, this study tends to believe that the management team players of organizations are ignorant of the effective role and impact of organizational culture and its corporate image play on the organization's capacity, effectiveness, productivity and longevity, and as a result, presents an empirical juxtaposition between the structure of an organization and its corporate image. It was observed that four main factors influence organizational culture while corporate image and organizational culture are of major concerns that have a direct impact on the level of organizational success through marketing and management efforts as well as organization’s longevity, productivity, effectiveness and efficiency. Hence, it is recommended that management team players and executives need to understand the pivotal roles of organizational culture and its corporate image as foundations for profit-making, productivity and progress so that proper measure can be taken towards adjustment.

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