
The environment is a very valuable gift to human well-being. Humans depend heavily on the natural resources of the earth. An unpolluted environment gives us the atmosphere needed for a healthy and perfect life. If individuals are unaware of the value of the environment, the government's efforts to create infrastructure, legislation, and enforcement will be in vain. The mere act of enforcing the law is insufficient to ensure that pollution instances do not repeat. What's more important is for citizens to understand the value of the environment so that we can establish a sustainable environment for all. One of the concepts related to the desire to preserve the environment among employees or individuals is organizational citizenship behavior for the environment (OCBE). The data of 312 undergraduates was targeted using convenience sampling via a survey questionnaire. The data was then analysed using multiple regression. The results of this study found that students' OCBE was significantly influenced by four variables, namely, personal environmental belief, green value, self-efficacy, and environmental self-identity.

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