
The article examines the organizational and tactical features of the review and during the investigation of hooliganism committed by football fans.
 The methodological basis of the study was the generalized data of the studied materials of archival criminal proceedings on the facts of hooliganism committed by football fans, as well as the consolidated data of surveys of investigators (inquisitors) and operatives of criminal police units. The used survey methods (interviews, questionnaires), analysis, and synthesis allowed the author to obtain reliable data, summarize scientific results and come to the following conclusions: 1) the review is a comprehensive priority and urgent investigative (search) action, which is characterized by the greatest informativeness at the primary stage of the investigation of hooliganism committed by football fans, in particular, to establish the circumstances that are important for the organization of the work of the investigative- operational group, the involvement of additional forces and means, the correct choice of the algorithm of actions, putting forward versions, detecting, extracting, fixing and storing ideal and material traces; 2) nodal places and objects subject to inspection, which store the largest amount of evidentiary and orienting information, are singled out; 3) the most informative objects of review are determined to establish the circumstances of the event and the promptness of decision-making regarding the identification and detention of criminal offenders «on hot pursuit» at the primary stage of the investigation of hooliganism committed by football fans; 4) the main methods most effective during the investigation of hooliganism committed by football fans during the inspection of the scene were established. 5) it is claimed that quadcopters are an effective tool, the use of which in this category of criminal offenses can significantly increase the quality and effectiveness of the inspection.

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