
The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of critical thinking among schoolchildren by future teachers. Critical thinking is presented as one of the metacognitive competencies; it allows a person to competently assess possible information risks and threats existing in the modern world in the media environment. The article analyzes the works of researchers who reveal not only the essence and content of critical thinking (V.S. Bybler, E.D. Bozhovich, V. Bolotov, A.V. Klimanova, etc.), but also its significance for the individual. In particular, the personal importance of critical thinking is analyzed in the context of ensuring information and psychological security, safe behavior in the information environment (A.A. Akhmetvalieva, M.V. Golovko, M.V. Gordienko, R.V. Grigoryan, V.F. Kupetskova, T.A.Malykh, D.S. Sinitsyn, L.A. Sorokina, T.V. Kharlampyeva). The aim of the work was to study the role of critical thinking as a component of metacognitive competencies in ensuring information-safe behavior, as well as to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of critical thinking in students. When studying the works of researchers, methods were used to systematize and summarize information on the formation of critical thinking. Based on the analysis of the studied works, it was noted that in the current educational practice, the formation of critical thinking is carried out in relation to two groups of subjects: in relation to schoolchildren and in relation to students – future teachers. At the same time, it was also recorded that there is a shortage of research in the field of preparing future teachers for the activities of forming critical thinking in schoolchildren. As a result of the conducted research, the main organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of critical thinking among schoolchildren by future teachers are highlighted. The leading organizational and pedagogical conditions include the following: the stages of the process of forming critical thinking, the organization of self-diagnosis of critical thinking, the monitoring of readiness for critical thinking in the process of educational activity, the introduction into the educational process of electronic educational and methodological complexes for the independent development of strategies for the formation of critical thinking, etc.

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