
The article discusses the theoretical justification and practical implementation of a set of organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the effectiveness of the process of forming the law enforcement competence of future lawyers. The purpose of the article is the theoretical substantiation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of law enforcement competence of a future lawyer, presentation of the results of their implementation, characteristics of their impact on the process of formation of law enforcement competence of students studying in the field of training 40.03.01 – jurisprudence. The methodology of the research consists of an analysis of scientific works of domestic and foreign authors on the training of specialists in the field of jurisprudence, an analysis of normative legal acts regulating educational activities, a generalization of the author’s experience in the professional training of future lawyers. The results of the study. The article, based on the analysis of educational and professional standards in the field of jurisprudence, the general characteristics of modern professional tasks and their corresponding labor functions, theoretically substantiates the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of law enforcement competence of future lawyers, and also presents the results of their implementation in the educational process of the university. Conclusion: the set of organizational and pedagogical conditions proposed by the author for the formation of the law enforcement competence of future lawyers can be introduced into the educational process of the university during the professional training of law students.

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