
In this article the author solves the problems of managements of social conflicts with the help of regulatory mechanisms. Manage existing conflict involves settlement, resolution or even suppression of the latter in the interests of society as a whole or its individual subjects. Good governance adds conflict to the process form, capable of minimizing losses of various kinds. One of most important public institutions, the effect of which can be directed on elimination of contradictions of the conflict parties, conflict management and resolution are legal provisions. The article presents the conceptualization and justification the critical role of law as a universal mechanism of regulation of social conflicts, an analysis of alternative methods of conflict resolution. Identified and practically justified the possibilities and prospects of application of legal norms under negotiation, mediation or arbitration. The question of the impact of legal norms on social conflict, its structure and dynamics is discussed. Researching the problem of solving conflict, author analyze some specific situations and identifies opportunities of overcoming social conflicts. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p53

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