
The research is devoted to the study of the problem of the formation and genesis of the concept of foreign policy and the main stages of its implementation during the period of activity of the Central Council of the Ukrainian People's Republic. A historical and legal analysis of legal acts adopted in 1917-1918, as well as diplomatic decisions and their consequences, was carried out. The achievements and omissions of the then government in the field of international relations are characterized. The influence and significance of the activity of the young state in the international arena, the support of foreign partners and the world community in general, especially in comparison with the current situation in the country, are outlined. Taking into account the world experience of state formation, it is obvious that the situation in the international arena and the presence of support from foreign states are important for the successful formation and development of a state. From 1917 to 1921, it was external factors had a significant impact on the restoration of Ukraine's independence. Therefore, at the current stage of state formation, especially in the conditions of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, a thorough study of the historical and legal experience of the revival of Ukrainian statehood during the time of the Ukrainian People's Republic is extremely relevant and important. Yes, some problems of the direction are considered in general works, however, the formation of Ukraine in the international arena has its own history and traditions, which requires separate consideration and analysis, which determines the relevance of this study. A deep and comprehensive study of the experience of the implementation of the foreign policy of the Ukrainian People's Republic, taking into account the situation of Ukraine in today's conditions, will make it possible to emphasize the current situation in the international arena. In addition, the study of the peculiarities of the implementation of the foreign policy of this period will make it possible to take into account the miscalculations in the formation of the foreign policy concepts of the current elites and avoid them today. The purpose of the article is to conduct a study of the impact of the situation in the international arena on the restoration of Ukraine's statehood during the period of activity of the Ukrainian People's Republic and to take into account the positive and negative consequences of the decisions made by the political elites of that time in the process of implementing the state's foreign policy. Thus, the foreign policy of Ukraine during the period of the national revolution, in particular during the activity of the Ukrainian Central Rada, is characterized by the formation of the concept and definition of the main directions of development with the aim of gaining independence. Therefore, the most significant achievement of this period is the recognition of Ukraine as a full-fledged subject of international relations and the implementation of an independent foreign policy. In addition, the foreign policy assets of the Ukrainian People's Republic, despite miscalculations and mistakes, in addition to the formation of an independent foreign policy, were the creation of the General Secretariat for International Affairs and the development of international relations with foreign countries, in particular in the search for support and assistance in the fight against Bolshevik Russia. Thus, having declared independence and received recognition in the international arena, Ukraine once again proved that it cannot exist as part of Russia and thus made a significant contribution to overcoming the widespread stereotype of "great and indivisible" Russia, which we continue to prove today.

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